Strategically Placing your Computer Books on your Desk…
… just to show how technically advanced you are in the given subject. Continue reading Strategically Placing your Computer Books on your Desk…
… just to show how technically advanced you are in the given subject. Continue reading Strategically Placing your Computer Books on your Desk…
.. this cunt and they think they are clever by talking about clock speeds. Continue reading The Majority of I.T Folk you come across in the UK look like…
… in a way that it sounds like they actually built it. i.e So-called I.T Consultants presenting Go C.D tool to deploy software into a number of containers using buzzwords such as “build pipeline”. You never see this kind of thing … Continue reading Doing a “Demo” for a Third Party Tool or Application…
… we have beanbags and do CSS. Continue reading We are “World Class” and on par with Silicon Valley because…
… well, used somebody else’s framework Continue reading When someone says “I’ve built my own A.I…”
The same old stupid ass line by a so-called geek who thinks he’s clever. If it’s not done in Assembly Language or lower than you ain’t shit. Continue reading “I wrote my first program when I was 10 years old…”
Hired IT person for their “knowledge/expertise” in certain areas. Usually just blags on about bullshit to make it sound like rocket science. Continue reading IT Consultant – UK
A person who doesn’t know how to code formally. Just there to install and maintain shit. Has a CLI open to show some logs to impress people. Continue reading DevOps The Installer
Every workplace has them. They are easily spotted, identified by the way they speak. Which is out loud to impress, even though they sound like idiots. They need the planets to align before he can start work. They will make a … Continue reading Why does The Millennial Developer talk so much shit?